Today, I’m very happy to announce that I am launching my very own ‘Hire Me‘ page for this site! So you can now hire me to help you out with your own blog.
So for today’s post, I thought it would be a good idea to write about the benefits of having a ‘Hire Me’ page on your site and how you go about writing one.
What Is A ‘Hire Me’ Page?
Well, simply put, a ‘Hire Me’ page is a dedicated page on your website where you list all of the services that you are prepared to offer to people in return for some payment.
This could be literally anything!
- Health & Fitness – Perhaps you run a health & fitness website. You could add a ‘Hire Me’ page letting people hire you as a personal trainer or getting you to write a individualized diet/exercise plan.
- Fashion Design – You may be a young designer, running your own fashion blog. You could add a ‘Hire Me’ page letting people hire you to design them their own custom clothes.
- Graphic Designer – Maybe you are a freelance graphic designer with a website. Adding a ‘Hire Me’ page would allow people to hire you to design a new logo for their company, or a set of posters/leaflets advertising their product.
- Writer – You may be a freelance writer with your own website. Adding a ‘Hire Me’ page would allow you to offer your writing services to your readers, whether that’s; writing blog posts, reviews, stories, editing, etc.
Whatever skill you have, you could find people from across the world who would be happy to pay for your services. A ‘Hire Me’ page is simply a way of advertising your services online and finding more clients to work with.
I’m generally talking about adding a ‘Hire Me’ page to your existing website, but you don’t necessarily need to have your own blog. Many people make their own website for the sole purpose of advertising their services online. Either way, the same principles apply to writing out your own ‘Hire Me’ page.
How Should I Write Out My ‘Hire Me’ Page?
Now, before I start talking about this in more detail, remember that every ‘Hire Me’ page is different. Individuals are unique and offer a unique set of services to people. There is no blueprint to successfully advertising yourself!
Obviously, the most important part of your ‘Hire Me’ page is to clearly explain what services/skills you have and how you can help people. You won’t get any people hiring you if they don’t know what you are good at!
Write out your services clearly and concisely, preferably in a list. This way people can scan through what you have written to find the particular service that they are looking for. Try to write out your points with the reader in mind, for example, “I can help you with your business by…” or “I’ll help you achieve your goals by…”.
If you have any past work, then try to display it. If your a designer, link to a portfolio of your past work so people can see the quality of your work. If you can’t offer any visual examples, then perhaps a ‘Testimonial’ page would be appropriate, where you could get past clients to leave a comment about what you were like to work with. In some cases both may help to attract clients, but don’t be disheartened if you can’t offer any of these, especially if you are just starting out. Start out with a ‘Hire Me’ page and develop the others over time.
Lastly, make it easy for people to get in contact with you. A good way to do this is to place a contact form at the bottom of the page. That way, people can send you an email straight after reading through your page, should they be interested.
Should I List Prices/Costs?
To display your prices or not to display prices. that is the question?
Browsing the internet on this subject, I found that there seems to be mixed views on this. Some people strongly suggest that you shouldn’t advertise your prices, whereas some advise listing your prices.
Of course, the decision is up to you, but I’m of the opinion that you should list your prices! I say this because I think people are more willing to consider hiring someone if they know roughly what it is going to cost them. It would be frustrating to research an individual, consider how they could help me, talk to them about what I was looking for, only to then find out that they charge $100,000 an hour! (that’s an exaggeration I know).
I do, however, think that you should be flexible with your prices. If you list all your prices as non-negotiable (i.e. Set in stone), then you may put off some individuals. I list my prices, but I clearly state that they are negotiable because every client will be different. Some may want lots of help, whereas some may only need a little bit, so a flexible price structure is more beneficial.
So, to summarizer, I’d advise listing your prices BUT making it clear to people that these prices are guideline prices and are negotiable. That way, people have an idea of what you will cost them should they choose to hire you.
But what do you think? Do you prefer not to list your prices, or do you agree that listing prices is beneficial? Do you have your own ‘Hire Me’ page yet and if so, are there any other things that you include that aren’t mentioned here? Please leave your comments below.
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