Depending on who you talk to, guest posting can be a scourge on the internet or an incredibly useful tool. Instead of shying away from guest posts, develop a clear understanding of what good and bad guest posting looks like and how to protect your blog from spammers and poor […]
Different Types Of YouTube Videos To Create For Your Site
Videos are arguably THE best type of content for your site as they can convey a lot more information. Why would someone read a 2,000 word article when they can watch a video about the same subject? Not only that but videos, when uploaded to YouTube, can potentially send you […]
Improve You Website With The Bing SEO Analyzer Tool
I have been playing around with Bing Webmaster Tools for the last couple of days looking at how to improve my site. There is a great tool that you can use within it called SEO Analyser that will look at your posts and pages and suggest improvements that can be […]
To Lightbox Or Not To Lightbox, That Is The Blogging Question
You will have seen many of them and probably filled in a few yourselves whilst browsing online, but one question that always crops up in blogging circles is whether or not you should include one on your own site. What am I talking about? Lightbox subscription forms of course! What […]
The Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey Approach To Blogging
I’ve been doing this blogging malarkey for a while now and if there is one thing that I’ve learned, it’s that you have to be patient, especially when starting from scratch. I get lots of emails from people asking for help with their blog (which is fine, always happy to […]
My 1284% Boosted Conversion Rate With An Email Opt-In Landing Page
We have talked many times on this site about email marketing and the benefits of building an email list for your business, but how do you get people to sign up in the first place? Well one of the best and most effective ways is by sending people to a dedicated email […]
3 Simple Yet Effective Ways To Keep Viewers On Your Site For Longer
Getting to the top of a Google search page can set your website up for a large quantity of traffic, but what good will that do you in the event that each visitor only spends a few seconds on the site before leaving? Once you have a page that is […]
CommentLuv vs Disqus – Why I Don’t Use CommentLuv!