Social media is vitally important for advertising your business, so today I wanted to look at how LinkedIn can be used to grow your online presence. For anyone that doesn’t know what LinkedIn is, it is a massive social media site that focuses on business professionals. Many people dismiss it […]
You CAN Make Money Blogging!
I get asked often, “Can you really make money blogging?” and the answer I always give is “YES!”. Anyone can make money blogging, you just need to approach it in the right way. That is why today, I wanted to talk about the approach to blogging that can make you money […]
20 Pages Every Blog Should Include
I was talking to someone the other day who wanted advice about starting up a website. He asked me which pages he needed to include to get started with his new blog. This got me thinking. Technically, you only need a few pages to get started, which you can then […]
How To Successfully Monetize Your Blog
How to Make Real Money with your Website! In one of our previous posts, we looked at 30 ways your website can earn you money. This proved to be a popular list of all the various methods that you can use to monetize your blog. However, some methods are much better than […]
Use Email Marketing to Increase Traffic with Return Visitors!
The key aspect of any successful website is getting visitors. After all, Traffic = Money! However, that is the easy bit, the hard bit is getting them to keep coming back continuously! There are many ways to get return traffic to your site. Obviously the most important is to consistently […]
Top 50 Earning Blogs
Successful Blogs Earning Money Online For today’s post, I wanted to look at some of the most successful and profitable blogs that are currently online. For many people that are just starting out blogging, it is hard to know how much you can potentially earn. In the initial stages of […]
10 Steps to Write Amazing Content!
Knowing how to write amazing content can be difficult, but it is vitally important for your website. It is easy for your visitors to go elsewhere for better content if you are not delivering what they want. Every time you write a new article you should ask yourself “Would I […]
CommentLuv vs Disqus – Why I Don’t Use CommentLuv!