Will Live Chat Convert For You?

Live chat is becoming more common as a support channel throughout the eCommerce industry. Online shoppers are getting more accustomed to live chat as a way to get answers to their questions in a quick and easy fashion. Concurrently, an increasing percentage of online shop owners are experimenting with offering a live […]

How Multivariate Testing Helps Convert High Traffic to High Sales

Probably the best way to define multivariate testing is to look upon it as a more elaborate version of A/B testing. Rather than restricting your tests to two versions of a single component, you can now conduct a single test on various versions of various components. Prior to the emergence […]

How to Test & Optimize Your Website To Skyrocket Your Online Revenues

We all want to make money from our website, don’t we? Unfortunately, too many people think that to do this you have to drive as much traffic to it as possible, particularly from search engines, and then hope that it converts for your goals. Those people will never really make […]

How To Re-design A Website – Best Practices

So you’ve decided to redesign your website. Perhaps its look and feel was getting a bit stale, or perhaps you simply needed to upgrade the version of the Content Management System (CMS) that drives your website.  Whatever the reason’s, its website redesign time! Before you plunge into changing the look […]