Why You Should Use Captivating Blog Titles For Your Website

Are you a blogger or freelance writer craving to learn how to create exciting articles and surprising guest posts that create stir and debate? Then you need to use captivating blog titles! I’ve been in the online marketing game for more than 10 years now, and I’ve seen dozens of different types […]

How To Write Cornerstone Content In Under An Hour (That Gets Noticed)

First of all, let us define what cornerstone content is. A cornerstone content (also know as evergreen content) is content that provides real added value to the knowledge of your readers. These types of articles will leave a lasting impression on your readers that will make them want to come back […]

How Titles and Pictures Can Make (or Break) Your Blog’s Success

You’re reading this sentence for one reason: because the headline caught your eye! That is the secret to copywriting for the Internet, after all: to attract attention first and to keep attention second. When you publish your own blog, there are a lot of ways of doing this. But perhaps […]

Choose Your Blog Niche Carefully – Don’t Make The Same Mistake I Did

Back in January, I started a new blog. Now, if someone was to ask me what exactly it was about, I wouldn’t know what to say. Neither would any of my friends or my actual blog visitors for that matter.  That may sound strange, but I think you will find […]

How To Plan Out and Write a Blog Post

Today, I thought I would share how “I” write a blog post for my site.  Now, there are many different types of posts (be it; tutorials, reviews, interviews, top lists, etc.) that you can write, but I find that I tend to plan out and write them all in a […]

Guest Blogging Tips – How To Pitch A Guest Post

As you are reading this, I know that you are interested in making money online. You’re interested in increasing the number of followers you have, you want clients, you want subscribers, and perhaps you’re selling an e-book. No matter your specific end goal, right now you want to figure out […]

Evergreen Content 101: Writing Articles That Last

So much hype has been granted to evergreen content that SEO experts have been employing it left and right. However, before jumping on this bandwagon, it would be better if you know its intricacies first. Below are the basics that you need to learn about evergreen content and why producing […]

Profitable Niche Blogging Topics To Write On

When you start a blog, you usually do so with the intention of providing useful information for readers and to ultimately drive traffic to your site to make money.  One of the biggest difficulties about starting a blog is deciding what blogging topics to focus on.  You need a niche […]

Need A New Year’s Resolution? Why Not Start A Blog!

So, the year is coming to an end, we have had our fill of Turkey and (if you are anything like me) will probably be nursing a hangover after a New Year’s Eve party.  Yes, it’s that time of year when we all make new year’s resolutions, but before you […]

Ethical & Unethical Blogging – Where Do You Fall?

Lots of people have taken up blogging in recent years. Some people write blogs to educate and make money, whilst other people blog as a hobby. Irrespective of your blogging reasons, it is crucial to provide factual information when publishing content.  This is where ethical & unethical blogging come in […]