The Blogging Strategy That Helps You Create A Successful Blog

Two bloggers on opposite sides of the country decide on the same day to start blogging about the same subject. They both start their respective blogs and post an introductory post, something along the lines of “Welcome to my blog! I’ll be discussing the coolest new tech devices on this […]

What’s The Best Blogging Platform? – Advantages and Disadvantages

Blogging was initially just available to few limited people who had the technical know-how to manage their own site.  Now there are a growing number of blogging platforms emerging that make it really easy for anyone to start their own blog. So, the question is – ‘Which is the best blogging platform available?’ […]

3 Ways For Young People To Manage Their Money

For many people, the human memory is just not good enough. We might think we have good memories, even photographic memories, but our memories can fail us. We tend to have only a fleeting association with the facts in our head. In order to develop a deeper connection with them, […]

How Search Engines Measure The Quality Of Its Search Results

Search engine developers constantly ponder ways in which SERPs (search engine results pages) might present only high-quality content to users. But can quality be accurately measured? More to the point, are search engines capable of subjectively analyzing search results using objective algorithms and how does Google tackle the problem? Cost The answer […]

5 Great Tips for Link Building Post-Panda

When Google recently updated its search algorithm, many websites saw their rankings plummet. The update known as Panda punished some sites in the rankings and promoted others. The websites that were negatively affected were those with poor content and low quality links, forcing webmasters to reconsider their SEO strategies. While […]

Making Money with Your Website: Transform Your Website Into A Success

You’ve chosen your niche, researched the best (but not too competitive) keywords, found two or three related products to promote, and built your website. You’re ready for the traffic to start rolling in; you can barely contain your excitement! If only it were that easy; unless you concentrate on making […]

Why Backlinks Are A Blogger’s Best Friend

If you’re reading this blog, you’re very likely a blogger who’s looking for two things: traffic in the form of blog visitors, and cold hard cash. But marrying both of these things up is very often not as simple as it may sound. One pain-free way of monetizing traffic is […]

Looking To The Blogging Future With HTML5 And SEO

At present, the Internet is on the cusp of the next big step in web design languages. HTML5 is already used in several websites due to the streamlined functionality it offers over HTML4. It is quite likely we will see HTML5 become the new industry standard due to several key […]

5 Blogging Tips That Help Drive Traffic To Your Site

If you are a good writer, have you thought about becoming a blogger! The great thing about blogging is that you can select any topic that you want and preferably have experience in, and create your own blog for free. Not only that, but blogging is a great way of […]

Need More Blogging Traffic? Look At McDonald’s For Inspiration

There are plenty of people blogging these days, but not all of them are utilizing their blog as much as they can do, which ultimately means they are loosing out on traffic. In today’s post, we look at how you can draw inspiration from McDonald’s, and see how you can drive more […]