Louisa Chan Interview – Getting To Know A Business Coach

One of the main reasons I enjoy running this site is that I get to meet and help people from all over the world.  There are many people that also do the same online in their own profession, one of which I wanted to talk to today.  A great example […]

Speed Writing – 8 Tips On How To Write Faster

If you write for a living than you know how important it is to write quickly.  When your income is connected to how much you can write in one day, you not only have to have good quality content, but you understand that time is money!  The more writing that […]

5 Tips For Managing Freelance Writers

With so many companies beginning to market themselves through Internet blogging, the job market for freelance writers is expanding. Rather than hiring full-time staff bloggers, most companies are discovering that they are able to stay more cost efficient and draw from a bigger pool when they employ freelance bloggers on […]

From Working In A Cubicle To Working From Home – Are You Ready?

Working from home has a number of great benefits, including the ability to work from anywhere you choose and set your own work hours, design and decorate your own workspace, make more time for family or friends and wear whatever you want every single day. Of course, there are downsides […]

How Freelance Writers Can Overcome Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is something every freelance writer (myself included) has experienced from time to time. This has a tendency to appear at any time, but somehow is especially prevalent when there is a deadline that must be met. It seems that writer’s block is the patron saint of an empty […]

Be More Productive By Organizing Your Freelance Writing Space

Are you thinking about organizing your home freelance writing space but you aren’t sure where to start? Whether you are writing in a dedicated office or your work space is a portion of another room in your home, you will find that you will be more productive if your workspace […]

Dealing With Remote Employees: 5 Tips To Boost Productivity & Morale

Being a manager is no easy task, but managing remote employees can be even more challenging. With little to no idea about how they spend their time, it can be difficult to know how dedicated your employees are and where and when to ask for more. But, if you work with […]

How People Find Work Online

These days almost everybody could do with some extra money!  What with the cost of living getting higher because of the ever increasing price of commodities.  It should not come as a surprise that the internet has become one of the most common, if not THE most common, places where […]

Rob Cubbon Interview – Advice From A Successful Freelance Graphic Designer

The ‘blogging’ niche is quite a competitive industry to be involved in online. That said, there are a few bloggers that stand out from the crowd, offering genuinely helpful information to their readers. Rob Cubbon is definitely one of these and I’ve been a big fan of his work for […]