We get lots of people emailing in, generally asking similar questions. This page is designed to help you get the answers that you are looking for.
“I want to build my own website, how do I go about building one?
Well you have definately come to the right place! The best way to start is to get stuck in and learn whilst you are going along. Stop putting it off and start today! We have an increasing amount of information on our site to help you. Check out our ‘Build Your Blog Today!‘ guide and sign up for our ‘FREE 7 Day eCourse – ‘Make Money Blogging’ where we will guide you step-by-step through the week to set up your first site.
“How can I stay connected to OnlineIncomeTeacher?”
To make sure that you keep up to date with all of our new content, you can find us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube and our RSS Feed. Alternately, follow the links at the bottom of the page!
“Can I Write For Your Website?”
We always welcome guest post submissions for our site. Please navigate to the ‘Write For Us‘ page for more details on what sort of things we are interested in and how you can submit us your post.
“I’m from the Press/Media”
If you would like to contact us about possible interviews, event speaking, press inquires, etc. You can contact us by filling out the contact form on our Contact Page.
“Report a bug/typo”
If you have found any bugs or typo’s on our site, we would very much appriciate it if you pointed it out to us. Please contact us by filling out the contact form on our Contact Page.
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